Hello! Today I am going to start a new series on my blog called currently. A few times a month I am going to be sharing some things I currently am doing and loving.
Currently wearing.... this coat from Zara (https://m.zara.com/us/en/faux-fur-three-quarter-length-coat-p03791703.html?v1=6682571&v2=1142502) It’s so cold where I live and this coat is perfect for occasions or everday wear.
Currently Reading... Murder is Bad Manner.
Currently Watching... Christmas Movies (Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Prince, Grinch, and Elf are a few of my favorites) and the new season of Fuller House. I need new shows to watch so if anyone has any recommendations dm me (askalexblog on instagram)
Currently Listening too... way too much Christmas music.
Currently Wanting... Camo slip ons from Jack Rogers (https://www.jackrogersusa.com/womens-designer-shoes/flats/mckay-sneaker-camo). A straw bag like this one (https://www.nastygal.com/want-last-straw-crossbody-bag/AGG87458.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiA6dLgBRDoARIsAJgoM4sIxAAn3r7nZEN6m4l0K-J42PbdiBOZHPG3cX4aQJT6Xhh01RLjaQEaAj4zEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds).
Thats all for today but soon I will do a new Currently!
xoxo, ale